Isaac Trimble-Pederson (wtpisaac)
anti-bot email: [my username] @ gmail [common tld here]

Software developer and FOSS enthusiast in San Diego, CA, USA. he/him.
Currently working on contract for Marriott International via mroads llc, contributing to Marriott’s GraphQL efforts on their UXL team.
I don’t have a Mastodon/Instagram/Twitter/Reddit/Facebook etc. as of 2024, and I don’t use LinkedIn as a social platform. Most social media is pretty unfun these days - but I’m happy to receive an email if you want to get ahold of me, and I’d love to see your blog/website :).
Current Projects
website builder project (TBA, iOS, FOSS)
I’m currently working on a website builder for the iPhone. The goal will be to lower the barrier of entry to building blogs and websites and enable it in a user experience comfortable for mobile, while using standard Web technologies and a local-first mindset to avoid platform lock-in for the website creator.
It is designed to fit into what I hope will be an eventual suite of free-and-open-source software intended to de-corporatize the web, and allow more indie creation to thrive and be discovered.
The app will be made available under the Mozilla Public License version 2, and should be publishable to the App Store if and when the project reaches a functional state. (It is not close to that now, but I’m excited to be working on it and wanted to mention it here :-) ).
insprng (iOS) [Download on the App Store]
insprng is a motivational quotes app for iOS; you can grab it free of charge from the App Store.
The app uses SwiftUI for UI presentation logic, and SQLite to store and retrieve quotes. Quotes are sourced from a well-known quotes CSV, and are manually curated. SQLite logic within the app is written in C and bound to Swift by hand, with no third-party libraries used.
Old Projects
These are projects which I previously worked on, but no longer maintain or contribute to. Dates listed refer to my involvement on the given project.
Sluggo Issue Tracker (2020-21)
As a side project under Slugbotics, myself and other contributors worked to create a FOSS alternative to JIRA targeting small teams. The goal was to offer an issue tracker that would appeal to small teams, with a simple workflow and modern UI.
Two versions of the issue tracker exist:
- A prototype version made in py4web, a Python server-side-rendering framework
- A rewrite which created an API-driven version of the issue tracker. Frontends include Web and iOS.
I contributed the overall design goals for the project, and served as the initial Product Owner. I contributed alongside Andrew Gavgavian and Sam Schmidt on the initial prototype. I also spearheaded development on the Web (Vue) frontend for the rewrite, and contributed alongside Andrew Gavgavian, Sam Schmidt, Stephan Martin, and Troy Ebert for the iOS (UIKit) frontend.
Due to health issues, I left the project in 2021. I wish the team well if the project picks up again - it was a blast to work with everyone :).
The issue tracker source code can be found at GitHub.
CMPM 80K (Game Design) @ UCSC (2020)
I created two small games while taking a game design course at UCSC.
Violet (Twine) [AGPLv3+ or CC BY-NC-ND 4.0] [Play Now!]
The first game - Violet - utilizes the Twine engine to create a link-and-text driven game. In the game, you are a detective investigating disappearances in an abandoned town.
I drew heavy inspiration from the Amnesia series of games when developing Violet, particularly from The Dark Descent and Justine. Flashbacks occur via a lantern with a fade to white, a direct reference to Alexander’s memories in The Dark Descent; a morality system is implemented which is tied to the outcome of interactive puzzles within the game - with the success or failure rate of the puzzles affecting the game’s ending, as in Justine. Finally, a Journal mechanic was implemented to keep a persistent context of clues which are discovered in the game, helping to ground the player’s objectives as they progress.
Originally, I released the game to UCSC CGPM’s eScholarship site under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. You are free to use the game under that license, or to consider the game as released under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 or later, at your option. If you make a derivative of the game or something else using the work, let me know :D.
Climate Command (Godot) (w/ Cody Cochlin) [CC0-1.0] [Download (Windows / WINE)]
The second game, Climate Command, is a simple Missile Command clone. The objective of the assignment was to reimplement a classic game with its mechanics adapted to a different theme. In this recreation, incoming missiles are replaced by solar rays, and the towers deploy planes to perform geoengineering to try and stop the demise of climate change. It’s a fairly simple game.
The art for this game were created by my late friend Cody Cochlin, who passed away in 2021. I miss him very much in these difficult times.
I would like to call out in my friend’s honor the Cody Cochlin Memorial Scholarship which is funded and maintained by Jaedan Ford. If you are a low-income student who needs financial assistance for college, and enjoy performing tricks with a skateboard, rollerblade, rollerskate, or snowboard - please apply.
Slugbotics (2018-21)
I participated on Slugbotics at UC Santa Cruz from 2018 to 2021. Slugbotics is a student robotics team participating in the underwater MATE competition, where teams work to create underwater ROVs which can perform a variety of tasks.
My contributions included creating and maintaining the team website using a static site generator (Hugo), as well as architecting some of the onboard systems for BIG SLAB, which utilized a Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and ESCs to enable remote control.
Beyond direct programming contributions, I contributed to several broader team initiatives as a team lead. I worked with Andrew Gavgavian to overhaul the team’s software subteam onboarding, in order to enable newcomers to make effective contributions - including teaching how to use a *nix command line, how to use Git, and how to write graphical application code.
I’m proud of the work I did on the team, and I hope they do well into the future :D.
Things in Progress
This website isn’t quite complete. Some things not yet done, in no particular order:
- Adding more photos of things onto this website
- Adding project pages for new projects onto this website
- Adding a blog section and RSS feed to publish posts
- Creating a secondary website for nonprofessional stuff, such as music production
- Update Violet to include proper license information
I’m pretty busy these days with work, so these will be here eventually™, when I can find time to do them. No schedule on any of it, unfortunately :P.